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Buy & Sell Property at Auction

UK Auction List, where you’ll be able to view the property addresses, full descriptions, street view and google map locations for every single lot in our database. As well as access to our Auctioneer Directory and Auction Calendar, you will also be able to set personalised Property Alerts, and contact all the auctioneers directly through our website to arrange a viewing, request a legal pack and register to bid.

The auction partners are located throughout the UK and hold regular auction sales throughout the year, so even if you’re currently tied into a contract with a selling agent, you won’t have to wait too long for the next auction date.

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Supreme Certifying Committee (SCC RA)

The site contains all the processes related to the grading system of the Republic of Armenia. It is the "One Window" of the actual graduation. With its technical capabilities, the platform ensures the constant and constant communication between the authorized body of the grading process "scientific community", the smooth exchange of information related to the field.

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Fresh & Live News from Armenia is an Armenian news portal. It offers not only most actual news in politics and busyness, but also news related to sport, lifestyle, travel, health and much more. The web-page was created to gather the most actual and interesting news in one place. On this site you can also find Live TV. The idea was to create a unique media-player and broadcast a content which differs from others. Now it is one of the most popular medias in Armenia. You can also find news on all social networks.

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The Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia

The Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA originated as the Section for Mathematics and Mechanics, created within the newly formed Armenian Academy of Sciences in 1944. In 2018 director Rafael Barkhudaryan decided to create not just a simple information web page, he wanted a flexible and easy-to-use tools. A robust website was created which is an active community portal for Armenian mathematicians.

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Your online gateway to China

REDSTAR is company that helps on business expansion to China. You've created your China website and are prepping to launch that Chinese social media campaign. Just when you thought you were all set and ready to go - bam! You stumble on the complexities of the Chinese Internet and all those regulations that don’t make a lot sense. The website allows to get in touch with the company, it also contain a blog with useful information.

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Drupal community in Armenia

Achieve your client's business goals with Drupal digital experiences that proliferate their brand, fosters engagement, and drives conversions. Customizable and scalable to match your client's ambition. Build the dream solution using Drupal's API-first architecture and third party integrations. Gain the power of the largest open source community.

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The Brethren Church

Welcome Home. The mission of the Brethren Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ Who, united in Christ, embrace and reflect God's love and live in the transforming presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

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